58 |
Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkina |
important characteristic of a wave process in a complex resistant line is the
experimental measurement of vibration velocity of the lumped line end elements
or of the distributed line end. Skudrzyk [1] has carried out this
investigation. In Fig. 8 we show one of regularities of the rod end vibration
velocity against the frequency taken from [1, p.244], and in Fig.9 – the
similar theoretical regularity, obtained by way of (9) – (12) time
differentiation. The difference between the theoretical and experimental
results is only in the regions of lower spikes caused by the aperiodical
vibration regime. This last is conditioned by the studied model ideality.
With the line resistance appearance, the transition between the periodical
and aperiodical regimes smoothes, and damping at the aperiodical band
decreases, while at the periodical band it increases. The vibration pattern
transformation itself with the resistance appearance is very interesting and
can be studied on the basis of exact analytical solutions obtained here.
However here we will limit ourselves with the above analysis, as this
investigation far exceeds the frames of present task. Conclusions Basing
on exact analytical solutions obtained for semi-finite elastic line with
resonance subsystems having the form of linear elastic lines with rigidly
connected end elements, we have revealed that between the first boundary
frequency for the elastic line as a whole and that for the subsystem the
resonance peaks arise, and their quantity is equal to the integer part of [(n
– 1)/2], where n is the number of elements in the subsystem. These
resonance peaks arise at the boundary between the aperiodical and complex
aperiodical vibration regimes. And this last regime is typical namely for
elastic systems having resonance subsystems. In simple elastic lines its
appearance is impossible. Despite
in complex aperiodical regime the measure of inertia of a resonance subsystem
is negative, the phase delay of this process does not become leading. It
fully accords with Skudrzyk’s conclusion that the negative measure of inertia
of resonance subsystem completely corresponds to the conservation law. In
this regime, with the steady-state process in the line the standing waves
form, and the wave propagation phase velocity turns to infinity for the ideal
line. We
also have determined that for interior elements of an elastic line the
resonance peaks bifurcate, and it fully corresponds to Skudrzyk’s
experimental results. However the reason of bifurcation is not the resonance
circuits mismatch, as Skudrzyk supposed, but the features of resonance peaks
formation for the input resistance and transfer function of an elastic line,
which causes the resonance frequencies for these parameters to be not the
same. The
theoretically obtained regularities for vibration velocity of a boundary
element of a line are in good agreement with Skudrzyk’s experimental results. |
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